Archive for April 14th, 2008

Connecting the Dots

More research into health issues this weekend has led me to an interesting game, “Which came first?”

  • Over the last year and a half, I have donated blood products. The donation center does a free liver tox and cholesterol (non-fasting, obviously) test when you donate. My liver is fine…BUT my cholesterol levels have been consistently between 143 and 164. Cardiologists would celebrate this range if I were 55.
  • Reading more about Luteal Phase Deficiency led me to see one of the causes is hypocholesterolemia. Your body synthesizes progesterone (and vitamin D) out of cholesterol. Not enough raw material = not enough hormone to carry a baby.
  • Now, my levels are considered sub clinical for hypocholesterolemia, meaning they are just borderline low. This is a good thing because that means I do not have some scary underlying diseases, however…
  • One of those underlying diseases is hyperthyroidism, for which I was treated in late 2005. Hmmm.
  • I do not have any symptoms of being hyperT and my latest blood work actually shows anti-thyroid antibodies in my system. Double Hmmmm.
  • Add to this mix the recent study that women with sub clinical hypocholesterolemia tend to have premature births and birth defects. White women with less than 159 have a 21% incidence of prematurity/low birth weight.
  • All of this leaves me with the question, What needs to be treated? My liver (which should be fine), my thyroid function (not again!), or something else?
  • And, How do I raise my cholesterol numbers?

Where My Milk Comes From

After the book sale on Saturday, we visited Paula’s goats. Here are the lovely ladies who supply my milk:

The yearlings are in the front pen and the milkers are resting behind them. I know they look awfully crowded there but they have a separate “play yard” with lots of boulders and nibblies by the trees.

Two bottle-fed babies scampering around the front yard. Cutest lil’ critters you ever did see!

One of the several guard dogs on the premises. They really are menacing to the coyotes. To us, they were pure love! Great Pyrenesse are the best dogs ever.

So now I’ve got half a gallon left in the fridge. I made the tastiest alfredo sauce on Saturday night, we both drank huge glasses on Sunday morning, and I used a cup for my oatmeal this morning. I think the remander will go into the freezer after I make Barley-Leek soup for dinner tonight.

April 2008


"I can't say I don't believe in your God, but I don't believe He meant the world to be as it is." ~Nicholas Higgins. North and South.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." No idea where that last quote came from, but I like it!

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