Archive for the 'Church' Category

Friendship and Brotherhood

Be careful for what you ask, you might just receive it in abundance! Jeff and I are having a wonderful “honeymoon” with our new church fellowship. So many folks have taken us into their homes or expressed interest in knowing us better. This is after almost a year at another fellowship where we were invited over to one family’s home, twice. We are so very grateful for the kindness others have shown us!

It is difficult for us to reach out like more gregarious sorts of people. Autism or just being quiet sort of folk, who knows. To gain so much “reward” for just being ourselves is such a blessing. When you find the Body of Christ in action, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

In other news, we drove out to Camp Y’shua again on Saturday. This time, I brought over some homemade pizza dough and baked it up (with Jeff’s awesome pizza twirling skills coming in handy!) That is a terrific dough recipe. Give it a try this week!

Great Weekend

Hello everyone…I didn’t find the end of the world and drop off of it! We just had a full weekend. Sometimes one  needs a couple of days away from a computer keyboard!

I tried to donate blood on Saturday morning. The last time I made an attempt, my iron levels were just a notch too low. This time I didn’t even pass the blood pressure test. Apparently 90/44 is too low and they have a protocol about not taking it a second time. I tried to explain that the low reading was almost always a fluke on me because of the veins in my left arm. No way! So, I got a t-shirt anyway for trying. Jeff and I joked about having a fight before I try to donate again which was really funny because we hardly ever argue. Maybe I can jog around the block…

Jeff celebrated his first day of independence from Teen Challenge (last official work day was Friday) by playing a computer game all Saturday afternoon. That’s fine with me. I cut out a new dress pattern and sewed up a couple of new cloth feminine pads. We watched half of North and South again that night. I picked up much more on the dialogue than the first time through. The characters had a soft Scotch brogue (though accurate) which made following some of the interchanges difficult.

We attended church on Sunday morning, prayer meeting first and then the main service. This church is very upbeat, modern, and youthful. We’ve met some strong Christian folk and I have received complements on my headscarves. There is one sort of downside: some of the women choose very very distracting clothing. I know this is nearly universal but do I have to avert my eyes even from the leaderships’ wives? One young wife wore shoes that I’ve could only imagine a woman on the front of certain magazines wearing! [Very high-heel black patent leather numbers with a chunky block under the toe] I found myself staring at her bright fuschia toenail cleavage during the prayer meeting. Another young lady in front of us was showing way more than anyone should see of her bosom. Jeff asked me after she had walked past, “Why don’t the elders say something?!?” Sadly, they can’t say anything at this type of church because clothing falls under the “Non-essentials” category. Sigh…seems to be taken literally!

Paul Washer, A Slave

Yesterday, I spent a considerable amount of time while at work, listening to audio sermons given by Paul Washer. I discovered this dynamic preacher/missionary online a couple of months ago when I saw a video of a message he gave to a youth conference posted on Godtube.

There is really no comparison to Paul Washer I have ever come across in my 28+ years of being in the Evangelical church world. This is saying quite a bit because I’ve seen and heard some big names.

I hesitated posting about a particular preacher here or on The Conservative Brunette. There are so many different readers of my blog and I do not want to give the impression that I’m like other Christians who chase after the latest and greatest book-selling teacher to come down the road. In fact, I am quite the opposite. I’ve given up reading or listening to mainstream American Christianity for some time now. It all just seemed like a load of cotton candy or…you fill in the blank.

This man is different. I have never, ever, heard the Gospel presented like this, either in passionate delivery or even in the content. I don’t know whether to weep over this fact or celebrate that I have heard it.

Mr. Washer comes from a Southern Baptist background but is not like any baptist I’ve heard. My own theological leanings are towards Anabaptism so when his messages began to sound much like what I already believe deep down, I sat up straight. You mean…this is what Calvinism really believes about Assurance and Perseverance of the Saints? Wait a second…we have much more in common than I thought!

Before I give you some link recommendations, let me advise you on something. His sermons available online are mostly directed towards American cultural Christians, or those who have sat in church pews most of their lives but have no firm faith. He is blunt, he speaks with incredible passion, and he is completely engaging. I would recommend taking the time to give your complete attention to any of what he has to say or you will miss something vitally important.

His mission agency is Heartcry Missions. [This site is often down because the bandwidth is exceeded, keep trying!]

You may find his sermons here and here. Do a search for Paul Washer and you will come up with a long list. The two sermons I recommend starting with are: “Whats Wrong with American Christianity” and “Practical Holiness

Well, I’ve got quite a bit to think and pray over….thanks to this humble man who dares to speak the truth.

Attitude Adjustments

Writing this on my lunch break at work, feeling very frustrated. There is a situation where I did not receive credit for a project I participated in.(Something that would look awesome on my resume, but without my name in the byline, its moot.) I should be the good little Christian and brush it off.

Alright, I’ll get over it or get it fixed, either way, Christ will get the glory. Here are some articles to share this week:

A Catholic perspective on wearing the Mantilla.

Women of Virtue

A very extensive exposition on 1 Corinthians 11

More Catholic perspective

Long, but provocative article from the Resurgence on the status of women

The Women Formerly Known As Sexy

I’m picking up on a multi-blog thread Bill Kinnon started with his article, “The People Formerly Known as the Congregation”, which several others have picked up on with variations to Pastors, Normal Christians, etc.

Here at the CBrunette and at Veiled Glory, I’ve had the recent upswing of modesty in North American women as one of my main shticks. So here it goes…

Let me introduce you to the Women Formerly Known as Sexy. There may be thousands of us, but we are scattered amongst you, like seeds of wheat.

We are the flesh and blood women of the Church and of the World. We’ve followed the trends of both entities with the utmost abandon…until now.

We visited the beauty parlor on Saturdays to get our hair done and our manicures and petticures for our nails, so to look sparkling fresh on Sundays. If we are pastor’s wives, this was expected. Heaven forbid you have a zit on your forehead to glare bright red under the stage lights! You are the First Lady of your church, after all.

Some of us spent a month’s rent on matching suits, hats, shoes, and a purse….to wear maybe three or four times. Some of us slathered make-up on our faces, hoping to look years younger or older or cover up that zit. We’ve forgotten what our original hair color was or is. We’ve fried our skin under tanning bed lights. Melanoma, here we come!

We bought magazines with scantily clad skinny girls on the covers to garner the latest fashion trends…which really didn’t fit our curvaceous bodies. We encouraged our daughters to follow our footsteps. Now we wonder why they are depressed and have an eating disorder.

All the while, you in the Church have remained silent on the subject…or even encouraging. You assuaged us with retreats on Inner Beauty or being Daughters of the King. You’ve published endless books and magazines that look squeaky spiritually clean but still gives us the same message: Look Sexy on the Outside to feel Beautiful on the Inside.

We were silently screaming for acceptance of our souls instead of our frail bodies.

The Women Formerly Known as Sexy have discovered a better way, an ancient path of modesty and sobriety. We’ve looked to Scripture, to the examples of our great-grandmothers, and to the saints for the signposts of this path. We’ve noticed our husbands and fathers are much happier with the results.

Many of the Women Formerly Known as Sexy have stopped visiting shopping malls and have chosen thrift stores instead for most of their clothing needs. We’ve even learned to sew, knit, or reconstruct the tattered shreds of Mass Produced Clothing into unique artful creations.

We’ve grown out our hair, whether white, grey or mousy, recognizing the glory given us. Some Women Formerly Known as Sexy have covered their hair in public as a sign of submission to God and their husband instead of Mammon.

We love Burt’s Bees or handmade soaps instead of petroleum-based Beauty in a Bottle. We have aprons and are unashamed to use them! Lots of us wear dresses or skirts to show we are women instead of androgenous Old Navy drones.

Women Formerly Known as Sexy are out there…but few and far between. Sometimes we like to congregate in craft shows or online in Yahoo groups or forums. In our local churches, it can be a lonely road being a Woman Formerly Known Sexy. Other Women still trying to be Sexy don’t like the lack competition for some reason.

We are out there…keep your eyes open for shinning, joy-filled faces and modestly dressed Women Formerly Known as Sexy.

Modest Mondays: Blue Hair and Bonnets

My new friend Tracy has short blue hair, multiple tattoos, peg piercings, and wears goth-styled clothing. Her three children also follow this style. Who would think we’d have anything in common?!? Apparently, we’ve got plenty!

Tracy has been attending our church for about 5 months now along with her Army husband. I’ve been chatty with her off and on. She doesn’t seem to mind my Amish-tendencies one bit. She is from Phoenix, where I had lived for 4 years. She loves her kids, writing stories, natural foods, and Jesus. Thats a good place to start…

On Resurrection Sunday I announced that I would be starting a Ladies’ small group to meet twice a month for Bible study and fellowship. One glitch: I needed a hostess! Well, when I mentioned it, Tracy shot her hand up in the air to volunteer. She seems rather eager to meet new people. So, now you have a conservative Anabaptist/Quakerly sort and a goth lady leading and hosting a Bible study.

Who would have thought? I’m rather excited about the prospect. I wonder if anyone else will show up?

39 days of Celebration!

In liturgical churches of the Western traditions, the period after Easter is a time of continued celebration – or at least it should be. Jeff and I had the privilege to hear N.T. Wright speak in Roanoke, Virginia, last month. He called churches to be extravagant and prolonged in their Easter celebrations. My dear husband reminded me yesterday that we can be festive where ever we go. Look at the life we have, hallelujah! He is Risen, indeed.

My cape dress and cap combination went over very well. I had been wearing the cap with more “urban” clothing like denim skirts on Sundays. I received several “cute” comments. Jeff’s uncle thought my “Amish garb” was cool. The Lord knows how to boost the confidence of His children! Even if I had been reviled, I would have carried on with HC. Its not about receiving kudos; its about Christ.

Women in Ministry, concerning Head Covering

Cheryl Schatz runs a website connected to a new DVD series defending women in public ministry and leadership in the church. You’ll have to purchase the entire series to see her take on HC but she does offer a tantalizing preview clip here.

The majority of the ladies who will visit this site do not subscribe to this Biblical interpretation, I realize. This is just something I came across today through Google. We might as well open this can of gummy worms at the start. 😉

For the record, I tend towards Anabaptist and Quaker interpretation of Scripture and practice of faith. I have actually preached before my church and shared words of encouragement elsewhere, all the while as a covered woman. If I were in a church where this was not acceptable, I would submit to that authority. My husband supports me in teaching or preaching where or when I have the opportunity.


Head covering and Churches

Just as there are a wide variety of reasons for a modern western woman to choose headcovering as an act of devotion to Jesus, there are a multitude of church situations in which headcovering women find themselves. For my instance, I attend a church where no other women cover or make an attempt at modest dress. (A Vineyard church) They have quietly accepted my choice, though few have asked why. The more immodest ladies don’t talk to me much. Its a small church, so whatever small thing happens to change in your appearance, it is hard to hide!

What have your experiences been? Has your church been welcoming of your decision to cover? Do they encourage it? Or are they silently accepting? Have you had any negative comments, from men or women?

Let me know in the comments!

May 2024


"I can't say I don't believe in your God, but I don't believe He meant the world to be as it is." ~Nicholas Higgins. North and South.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." No idea where that last quote came from, but I like it!

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