Feminine Needs

Thanks for everyone who offered suggestions to my previous post on antiperspirants!

Several ladies suggested using non-disposable or non-chemical disposable feminine products. Its a very good idea, one I started using over 8 years ago! Yep, I’m a long term cloth convert! 🙂 Even some of my first homemade pads have lasted that long. Amazing, huh?

I sew my own with flannel and with recycled baby mattress pads as the water proof layer. They work fabulously.

Confession, however: I do use regular disposables while I am at work. If you saw my office and situation, you would understand. I am in the public eye all day and use a public restroom. Irksome to haul out a wet bag that time of the month. Everyone will know! So I use cloth on the weekends and at home. A pack of throwaway pads usually lasts me three cycles this way.

I also use flannel panty liners all the time. They’re easier to fold up and stick in my pocket inbetween the office and restroom. With all my cycle irregularities, I had needed panty liners almost more than regular pads. 😦 So that saves a bundle of money and all the hassle of….adhesives. Eeek.

At the suggestion of a sister I helped out with some cloth pads, I might try selling some through the blog/etsy to support my internet habit. Is that a good idea? Market research!

5 Responses to “Feminine Needs”

  1. 1 Ginny August 8, 2008 at 10:10 am

    I have been using homemade cloth for over 20 years now and highly recommend it. It may take some getting used to, but just having a period took some time to get used to, too. LOL! Although it has been a long time for me….

  2. 2 Kristie August 8, 2008 at 11:48 am

    I just tried out cloth this past month. I love it! I will be using disposables when out and about though. I am pretty irregular as well, and I think the cloth would last for a long time lol. I currently am buying mine on ebay, because they are decent price, though I am all for checking out new sources! 🙂

  3. 3 karen August 8, 2008 at 5:49 pm

    I use cloth 99% percent of the time. My work has free mattresses but I prefer cloth. I am lucky because when they replaced the normal wall bins in the ladies with trash cans they just turned the wall bin upside down. Therefore, I get a hidey-hole to hide my stash of 2 wetbags. 🙂
    My work also gave out a little keychain 1st aid kit that is just the right size for a cloth pad, liner and a wet bag – for emergencies.
    I use lunapads – but i also use some liners that I drafted a make your own shaggy quilt kit I got from a yard sale. They aren’t the best but they are good to have handy when I am at home.

  4. 4 Kirsi August 8, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    Have you heard of The Keeper?


    I’ve been using it for years now and really like it.

  5. 5 Pearl August 10, 2008 at 6:50 am

    I use a Mooncup (http://www.mooncup.co.uk/ or http://www.mooncup.com/) and I can’t think of anything that would persuade me to go back to disposables or use cloth pads. The great thing about a cup is that at work you can just take a bottle of water into the bathroom to rinse it, and no-one thinks that’s at all weird. I used to work in the Library of Congress and use the public restrooms there, and never had any problems at all. I love my Mooncup!

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August 2008


"I can't say I don't believe in your God, but I don't believe He meant the world to be as it is." ~Nicholas Higgins. North and South.

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