How to Wrap a Semi-Hijab

Per your request.

18 Responses to “How to Wrap a Semi-Hijab”

  1. 1 Paula December 30, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    Hi Anna,
    What is the purpose in a Born Again Christian assimilating with a group of people who very clearly do not believe that Jesus is not the Son of God, and state that in no way did he die on the cross for our sins?
    Everything that they teach and believe is in complete contradiction to that which we know to be true, so why visually confuse both Christians and Muslims alike?

    I totaly understand the kinship feeling of seeing another woman covered, but I cannot before God call them sisters, because one is either brother or sister in Christ, or of the world.
    Those of the world need to know of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but to try and win that by assimilation, seems very dangerous.
    We have been commisioned to be salt and light to the world, not honey.

    I do not mean any of this to harsh.
    Till He comes,

  2. 2 alana December 30, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    Love it!

    Dear Paula, I know you addressed this question to Anna, but I’m going to jump in and answer your question: Before there were muslims in the middle east, there were Christians. Many many things that the muslims do they borrowed/stole from pre-existing Christian practice. Making prostrations, using prayer ropes, fasting, and veiling women come to mind (although the veiling of women was also practiced in pre-Christian middle eastern cultures as well).

    It could, therefore, be well argued that the style of scarf Anna is demonstrating in this video is historically more Christian than muslim. Do a google search on Byzantine Iconography and you will notice that Christian women have always been veiled, and in a style that you would probably personally disagree with. 1 Cor. 11 speaks to this. I would also encourage you to go and read what some of the Early Church Fathers were saying about the style of Christian women’s veiling in the early centuries of Christendom. Here’s a nice helpful link to a collection of some quotes:

    Christianity did not begin in the 1500’s in Western Europe, and it’s forms need not be restricted to that which is European/American.


    Alana Juliana (a member of the Antiochian Orthodox Church…yes, as in the Antioch mentioned in the book of Acts).

  3. 3 Anna December 30, 2008 at 6:48 pm


    Interesting points of conversation.

    As for my hijab styles, I have the blessing and acceptance of my husband and quite a few of my Christian elders who commented positively on them. Sometimes I garner questions from Muslims in public as to my religious identity, which I freely answer and am completely upfront with being a Christian. Our Lord Jesus wishes us to be modest and veiled; He did not specify a style of veiling. If you really want to get historically nit-picky, I think the hijab is more reminiscent of Biblical styles than a short white kerchief.

    The style which I wear in the video reminds me of the depictions of Mary and of the other undeniably holy women of our common Christian heritage. I cannot see any harm in humbly imitating them.

    Salt, as we should remember, also makes food taste better.


  4. 4 Paula December 30, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    Thanks ladies,
    I do agree that the style is definitly more historical, but the fact that it has been fully taken by the muslims faith gives me pause.
    A Muslim will notice the differences, but most other people are just going to assume, which, they certainly are entitled to do.
    I would certainly never tell you to never wear it.
    I was just curious where you were coming from :o)
    By the way, I do wear a tichel full time.

  5. 5 Megan December 30, 2008 at 10:38 pm

    You look lovely and modest, Anna. You don’t look like a Muslim. As you said, the Virgin Mary and many generations of Christian women did. A scarf is only cloth, it isn’t reserved for one faith.

  6. 6 hj December 30, 2008 at 11:47 pm

    Hi Anna,
    Though I probably won’t wear it that way, I do love the Walmart special. I have that same one in the same color, but here in Alaska it costs $6. Extra shipping I guess. I’m still trying to figure out my own thoughts on the whole covering thing.HJ

  7. 7 Natasa December 31, 2008 at 1:20 am

    I prefer jewish style more than muslim… little difference but still…

  8. 8 Christine December 31, 2008 at 7:33 am

    It looks great! It’s tough as Christians when it comes to the head covering because if you do it the way Anna did people think you are copying the Muslims and if you where the cap or kerchief they think you are Amish or Mennonite. Or if you were the scarf like the Jewish women you get labeled in their group. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a clearly defined covering for the Christians (put the Amish and Mennonite asside I am talking about everyone else). I am always labeled Orthodox Jew because of the way I wear a headcovering and my type of modest dress.

    I do agree that the long scarfs are more in line with the Biblical times and would be thought to be the true headcovering of Christians but again society seems to relate that to the Muslims.


  9. 9 alana December 31, 2008 at 9:58 am

    But if we wear a big fat CROSS with our headscarf, it points out that we are Christians. 😉

  10. 10 Sarah December 31, 2008 at 11:02 am

    I love the video! Thanks, Anna.

  11. 11 LisaM December 31, 2008 at 11:05 am

    great conversation. I too believe that women covering their heads for worship and modesty transcends a religious tradition, and a Christian can very easily see so when reading the passage of Paul in the letter to the Corinthians. Women cover their heads out of respect for their husbands because of the order of creation, because of the angels, and because, “doesn’t nature itself teach you…?”. Muslim women cover out of modesty. Jewish women often refer to the ancient picture of Rebecca who saw her future husband at a distance and pulled her covering over herself, from a humble heart of respect for him. Not one religion, except for the smaller teachings of the men who are members of those religions, says that a woman should cover her head to show that she is a … special type of Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, etc. That’s not why we cover, nor is style ever a point in any ancient faith. We are “sisters” in the respect that we are seeking humble obedience and respect for our God and for the men around us. In my human mind, I want to cheer for the women who are “taking back” full covering from the stricter religious Muslim women, but then, we aren’t really “taking” anything from each other, are we? If covering our heads is truly of our Creator, then we are all only obeying in one of the ways that we know to do. I pray that we all continue growing and obeying more and more as we grow spiritually in our faith.

  12. 12 Cally Tyrol December 31, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    Interesting discussion… I have to agree with Paula. I’m not sure why any Christian woman would want to wear a headcovering that clearly identifies them with a false religion. People who ask you about it are few and far between while the vast majority of people see what you’re wearing and assume you are Muslim because, here in America, only Muslims wear hijab. It doesn’t matter if Muslims adopted headcovering for their women from Christians- we have to deal with today, not with 1000+ years ago. I’m quite certain that if I saw you walking down the street wearing hijab, it would never ever cross my mind that you might be a Christian wearing a different style of headcovering.

    Just my 2 cents. Thanks for the video though. i really enjoy all of the videos you have put together.

  13. 13 Dawn January 1, 2009 at 1:11 am

    Thanks for the video Anna! I learned something new on this New Year’s day. 🙂 That pink scarf is pretty…go Wally World! LOL. 🙂
    My friend Michelle recently sent me 3 soft (not mesh or stiff) Amish kapps in white, navy and black and I love them!!! I was always worried if I ever decided to wear a kapp if it would fall off or stay on and these kapps stay on fine. A little hairspray and 2 bobby pins and I am good as gold. 🙂 I still wear my white veil more often though. I guess it all depends on what I feel like each day. 🙂

    Happy New Year to you and Jeff! May Yahweh bless you both abundantly!

    Sis. Dawn

  14. 14 alana January 1, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    When I tied the scarf the way you described, it slipped off (even with an undersnood) within just a few minutes. I think my head is shaped wrong. Happens every. single. time.

    Oh well.

    • 15 Anna January 2, 2009 at 4:46 pm


      The two ways to fix this are either:

      Making sure the scarf is crossed well in the back.

      Or…your hair is too short to make a snoodity-pocket thingie in the back. 😦

      Not sure how else to help ya.

  15. 16 LisaM January 2, 2009 at 11:05 am

    By the way, I do like this video – very informative! 🙂 Always good to see and hear who we’re reading.

  16. 17 Amber January 4, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    Hi Anna,

    I’ve sort of been lurking around for a while, because I am a bum, and forget to comment.

    I really like this way of wrapping, and appreciate you posting the video for us. 🙂 I’ve tried it, and I get it right right up until the end, when you get it to lay flat in the front and the back. I know it’s because I’m doing something wrong, so I’ll just have to keep practicing. But I just wanted to say thanks for posting it and that even if I don’t comment, I’m enjoying your blog.


  17. 18 goldilocks January 5, 2009 at 10:55 am

    I think it’s fabulous, and your last photo of the Modest Secretary’s Club (lol) convinced me to pick up the silver scarf at WM last night, which I’d been eyeballing for a few weeks. 😉

    I’m wearing it dutch-crown style, but this is cute, too. It would also help cover up a top that is perhaps a bit too low-cut otherwise. (Things are always lower on me than they are on the mannequins…)

    Anyway, as far as looking Muslim is concerned, I honestly wouldn’t worry about it; it’s so easy to be mis-identified no matter what you wear, if it doesn’t fall in line with mainstream fashion.

    People, in general, are just not conscious enough of out-group sartorial subtleties to tell who’s who. They just know you’re “different.”

    When I took up skirts and dresses, people regularly assumed I was a Mennonite, despite the fact that my hair was exposed, I wore prints and stripes, and owned nothing that could be mistaken for a cape dress.

    Alana’s point is well-taken, though. You don’t want to falsely advertise for a competing brand, so to speak.

    I guess I just think that as far as the mainstream world is concerned, they see exactly two camps (People Like Us, and People Not Like Us.)

    And have we not all already seen what trying to be People Like Us has already done to the church?)

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December 2008


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