Fascinating Womanhood – Introduction

Over a year ago, a coworker lent me some materials from the Fascinating Womanhood class. Her aunt taught the FW classes, so I was able to scan/copy the original workbook from the 1970’s, plus several single-spaced type-written note pages I am guessing the aunt wrote. I tucked the copies away in my “inspirational note book” and pretty much forgot about them.

This past weekend I pulled out my notebook to revisit good memories or sobering reminders. The FW notes whispered, “Blog ME!” Over the next week or two I will transcribe the notes for you all. There is no author marked on the pages; they are written from a first person standpoint.

If you have never read the Fascinating Womanhood book, I HIGHLY recommend it! There is a new edition out on Amazon.

4 Responses to “Fascinating Womanhood – Introduction”

  1. 1 Joanna June 23, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Very Good! I liked that book when I read it awhile back. And it is certainly true that God’s way works, even though sometimes it doesn’t seem to be the way that makes sense.

  2. 2 karen June 23, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    I’ve only read excerpts but something seems off about it. It reminds me of the “the total woman” which isn’t a good thing “keep your husband by wearing saran wrap dresses.”
    I also didn’t like how the version I read addressed abuse. Basically said if he hurts your kids let him know that he is (since he is a man he beats them without realizing it) and if after a while,if that doesn’t work take the kids away, but don’t tell him he’s wrong for doing it.
    and if he hurts you, well so be it, its human frailties.
    Maybe its just because I read excerpts but that just isn’t right.
    and yes, I was paraphrasing but that’s pretty close to what it isays.

  3. 3 cbrunette June 23, 2008 at 6:20 pm


    The excerpts you read are certainly not the whole summation of the book! First of all, Helen advocates modest, feminine yet classy clothing, not “saran wrap” dresses.

    Second of all, she really is adamant about getting out of abusive situations. What you might have picked up on is that she does want women to keep open the possibility that the husband might reform. Emphasis on might.

    If you can look at the latest edition, I highly recommend that you do so that you will learn the best and discard the rest. 🙂


  4. 4 Lisa May 21, 2009 at 9:05 pm

    Please, I just have to offer a correction! One of the biggest, common errors perpetrated by misguided people is stating that “The Total Woman” describes and advocates a “saran wrap costume” ! THIS IS NOT TRUE! What the author mentioned at the very end of the book was that she had many women writing to her telling her of their experiences following her advice. One woman, an unnamed reader of this book mentioned that example, something she said she’d done! NOT the author herself.

    I think Roseanne Barr also claimed that there was a connection between that saran wrap thing and the Fascinating Womanhood book in one of her early monologues.

    It’s an urban legend at this point!

    And when all is said and done….the example is silly and embarrassing, but I bet the lady’s husband was shocked and amused and it was something they could laugh about between themselves … and likely added to a sense of closeness. So, as long as it was just between them, no reason to mock this woman.

    God Bless!

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June 2008


"I can't say I don't believe in your God, but I don't believe He meant the world to be as it is." ~Nicholas Higgins. North and South.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." No idea where that last quote came from, but I like it!

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