Research and Questions

While busily burrowing through mountains of journal articles this morning, I forgot completely how I was to write a series for Beginner Coverers. Egad! I get into this one-track, tenacious thought pattern and it is very hard to pry myself loose. It is the Asperger’s again. Well, it does work to my advantage, sometimes. Here are some questions for you all:

  • [In the forth-coming book] Would you like to see a chapter on the history of head covering in the Christian Church? History is my forte so you would be in for an extremely thorough exposition (as far as my editors would let me). Or I might bore you all to death. I promise at least a few illustrations.
  • One subset of the historical research that is bugging me is this: Did the Church (any church, really) stand up and say, “Time to take off the hats/bonnets/caps!!” I have this hysterical vision of women running out of the building and tossing up their coverings like a graduate’s miter board. But, seriously, when did this happen? Was it unspoken? Was there some sort of resolution passed at denominational levels proclaiming women free of fabric and buckram on their heads? (A correlative in this case might be the declarations made on birth control in the early 20th century.) Puzzling.
  • Just so you know, most of the journal articles I’ve been finding are disgustingly feminist. Writing is nasty, hard work!
  • And the more I dig into this subject….the more daunting it becomes. All I can think, at this point, is “One Page at a Time!”

Please, please, refresh my memory in the comments section about some New-to-Covering questions you want me to answer.

8 Responses to “Research and Questions”

  1. 1 Geri March 18, 2008 at 10:14 am

    I am so looking forward for your book! I recently went on a site (I will post it if I can find it again…) that went over Modesty in women (and men) and how the Church’s view has changed (or even hasn’t changed but the people themselves changed it) through time. They have alot on head covering too. One thing I found interesting is that it said that in the early 20th Century (morning sickness fog here–it was between 1900-1940, I am foggy on if that is the 19th or 20th lol) when the Vatican was meeting to go over rules and such that the newsreporters were waiting outside to ask about headcovering afterwards. The Bishop who answered said “no comment as of yet” or something to that effect. However, the newspaper went ahead and said that women were no longer required to cover their heads (no doubt to make lots of money on the “huge news”).

  2. 3 cbrunette March 18, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Thank you so much, Geri! That was helpful.


  3. 4 Mrs. Gillet (Katie) March 18, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Seconding a previous poster, I think Vatican II as it’s commonly known might have been a big impetus toward the end of covering for worship as a common practice. Also, fwiw, hats in general went out of fashion in the sixties and seventies. Men stopped wearing hats a lot after President Kennedy was often hatless, although Mrs. Kennedy was known for her hats. But, I’m not picturing Mrs. Johnson with hats on. (I’m not old enough to remember the Johnson administration, so I’ll have to look at photos.)

  4. 5 followingtheancientpaths March 19, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    I agree, it is a daunting task! But you can do it, I am sure.

    Personally, I’m another history buff and would love to learn more of the historical aspects of covering. I don’t think it’d be dry at all! But I think my daughters would, they aren’t as into history as I am. 🙂

    Really, anything that comes from a servant’s heart regarding covering as opposed to a feminist’s heart would be refreshing. Even a booklet is “book enough” if you just wanted to touch on highlights of the information you’ve gleaned with references for further study for those so inclined. I’ve known several women who want to cover, are feeling led to, but they are afraid and don’t feel they have enough “back up” as to why they would cover. Something encouraging and with useful information would be helpful, I would think.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing what you pull together. 🙂

    Blessings ~

  5. 6 cbrunette March 19, 2008 at 6:16 pm


    My goal is to produce a full-length book that ladies can use as a resource for those who may be skeptical or critical of the issue of head covering. There is a fine line I have to walk between arguing a hard hermunetical stance and making a convincing over-arching thesis. Feeling inadequate is a good thing; it leaves room for Spiritual inspiration.

    I also want to be an encouragement, as far as I am able, for those you mentioned. 🙂

    BTW, the introduction is complete! One little thing down…about 10 more chapters to go!


  6. 7 Sanna March 23, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Darling AnnaMarie,
    I found this on
    “During the Medieval era … noble women wore flat bonnets that covered their hair, or ribbons and gold threads in their hair. Later, bonnets, hats and veils became even more popular when church tradition decreed that married women were to keep their hair covered.”
    That implies that sometime between Jesus and the medieval era, women didn’t cover for religious reasons. Granted, this is a span of around 1000 years, but for me, the jump is a hard one to make. Both the established Scripture (The Old Testament) and the developing New Writings confirm covering. For me the issue is how the jump was made.

    In the area where Christianity sprang up, Jewish married women covered, as is still the case in Orthodox communities. Perhaps the new Christians decided not to cover as a way of distinguishing themselves?

    Just ideas I’ve been balling around since I read the post. Much love, dear friend. Sanna

  7. 8 Kealani Alexandra March 30, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    Glory to Jesus Christ!!
    Hello Ladies, I’m an Orthodox Christian (so I’m clueless about Vatican II and Christian customs during the Medieval era – Eastern Christianity wasn’t affected), but I can tell you that early Christian women (former Jew or gentile) covered their heads and kept right on covering their heads in church and in daily life and to this day cover their heads in church.

    After WWII, women in Eastern and Western Christiandom stopped wearing head coverings in daily life mostly (for lots of reasons: work, material shortage, change in status, etc).
    When this happened women in Western Europe and North
    America kept hats for church, or fashion, but not for modesty. When hats trickled out of fashion in the 60s……..

    But please know that with the tiny sliver exception of a few American Orthodox who are too cool to mess up their hair (or something), it’s still standard practice, prefered practice for Orthodox Christians (2000 years away from when they were the “newbies”) to cover at church, and at prayer.

    Accept my great respects.

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March 2008


"I can't say I don't believe in your God, but I don't believe He meant the world to be as it is." ~Nicholas Higgins. North and South.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." No idea where that last quote came from, but I like it!

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