The Future of the Republican Party – Some Further Thoughts

With all the visits from Ron Paul for President 2008, I thought I’d flesh out some of my impressions of my brief active stint in the party.

When I said that the speeches reflected the Old School definition of the Republicans, namely that they are supposed to be white, Christian, and not from the East or West Coast,  I saw how this was portrayed at the convention. There were only two people of color in the entire room. One was a poster-child elected official (whom I respect) and the other was perhaps the news reporter. Everyone else was indeed white (or maybe non-apparent Native American.)

Most everyone who spoke invoked the Almighty in some fashion. One gentleman was a minister whom God “called” to run for elector. I, in my black full head scarf, made ripples. They didn’t know how to place me. I know the looks and most likely, the thoughts behind them. Is she…..Jewish? Or…..[turning white in fear or red in anger] Muslim?? 😀

I can attest that there are “real” Republicans on both sides of the nation. If it were not for the majority of the population who lives within 70 miles of the oceans, we’d be one washed up political party.

Oh, and there is one more addendum to the stereotype that the Old Guard does not mention, though they exemplify it: Being Old. If you look at the exit poll returns from the primaries for Republicans, it is highly slanted towards the 50+ crowd. Contrast that to the Democrats, who are more balanced across the age spectrum.

I trot out these points because I know the Party of Ideas is Bigger than Small Minds. Freedom is popular among everyone, across all strata of society. Being black or Latino does not disbar you from being a proud Republican any longer. We all want Peace, Prosperity, and Self-Determination. The doors are open and there is one rockin’ Party going on!

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March 2008


"I can't say I don't believe in your God, but I don't believe He meant the world to be as it is." ~Nicholas Higgins. North and South.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." No idea where that last quote came from, but I like it!

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